Today’s laboratories conducting multielemental analyses are expected to tackle quick turnaround times and meet lower detection limits while delivering high levels of sample accuracy. Workloads and workflows may vary, but the need to work quickly doesn’t. At the same time, every lab is looking to lower operating costs and reduce maintenance. Bottom line, it’s the push to do much more with less that drives both scientific and business decisions.
Enter the Avio® Max Series: the ICP-OES systems that are as comfortable with multitasking as you are.
With Avio 550/560 Max systems, you have high-throughput, fully simultaneous ICP-OES instruments that deliver exceptionally fast performance. Plus, with a built-in high-throughput sample-introduction module on the Avio 560 Max system, you can reduce 1.5-minute runtimes to about 30 seconds.
The Avio 220 Max system – the industry’s pioneer hybrid simultaneous ICP-OES for demanding multielemental analyses – provides plug-and-play performance that takes you from cold start to analysis in just 10 minutes.